Frequently Asked Questions, Answered

  • There is no cost to create and test Projects on the platform. Costs are incurred for deployed Rapport experiences. The costs are shown on our website at https://www.rapport.cloud/pricing

  • There are various tech and integration demos on https://demos.rapport.cloud/demos

  • We currently have integrations with a number of different solutions. But if your preferred dialogue solution, TTS, or STT provider is not listed in the platform, please contact us to discuss integration.

  • If you want to use your own chatbot that does not have an integration in Rapport, you can enable this by sending the chatbot messages to a Rapport project set up with an 'idle' configuration. The 'idle' configuration gives you full programmatic control. Contact us for our handy guide on how to do this.

  • Add your Elevenlabs account key to Rapport, and you can add the custom voice in the custom voice field. Preferably use the voice ID; but you can also use the voice name. If you use the voice name, make sure you write it exactly as it is saved in Elevenlabs.

  • Chatbot solutions allow you to craft the responses for your user queries. Rapport has integrations with a number of different chatbot providers. For help on deciding on the right dialogue solution for your needs, see this blog.

  • WebGL is used for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser. In Rapport, we use WebGL for our experiences with our characters rendered in the browser.

    UPXS, Unreal Pixel Streaming. Pixel Streaming for Unreal Engines works similarly to streaming a video using an online streaming service, but users can interact with the application within the streaming interface. In Rapport, we use UPXS for streaming experiences with Metahuman characters.

  • You can soon choose the background colour for your characters. Selecting and uploading background scenes is coming soon!

  • Latency depends on many factors such as project type, data services, and character rendering among others.

  • We have a plugin for deploying Rapport in Unity. We are working on a plugin for Unreal. Contact us for more information.

  • We have support for various character creator tools with control files to drive the animation, eg RPM, Reallusion, Metahumans, amongst others. We will be adding support to more in the future.

  • Currently facial and lip synch animations are driven by audio automatically. We are working on body animations that are also driven by audio. For other gestures and animations, we have an in-house Creative team who can help. Contact us for more information.

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